Il vino uccide germi e batteri!
I risultati dello studio:
The 1998 study, in order to examine the antibacterial properties of different beverages, introduced some dangerous live bacteria such as salmonella into wine.
After only 2 days he could see that the bacteria present had almost completely disappeared. By subsequently neutralizing the acidity, 99.1% of the bacterial load had disappeared. The credit was attributed to the organic compounds present in red and white wine.
Therefore, excellent news for connoisseurs. However, it should be borne in mind that our immune system, both innate and acquired (after the first exposure to an infection, it is more efficient in fighting it a second time), if chronically exposed to alcohol intake it is weakened if not suppressed.
Even a single excess of alcohol can compromise the immune system, albeit in the short term, for example for 24 hours.
Quindi, in conclusione, il vino aiuta se bevuto con moderazione.