Cave of the Fairies - Ascoli Piceno

The cave of the Fairies

The Cave of the Fairies or the “Grotta della Sibilla”

In the Marche precisely in  Montemonaco in the province of  Ascoli Piceno, there is a magical place where history and legend have intertwined in the mists of time, a mythical and inexplicable place, where even today, standing in silence, you can breathe a strange atmosphere, mysterious and captivating, enveloping and intriguing. In the Marche the Sibyl is a name that often resonates, hovers over the landscapes, the hills, spreading to the sea, a fascinating and scary creature at the same time that would have hidden itself among the lush mountains that would later take the name of Sibillini Mountains  .

The  cave of the Sibyl, also called the cave of the Fairies, is a cave, located at 2150 m asl, carved into the rock with a real hidden cave, near the summit of Mount Sibilla in the municipal area of ​​Montemonaco. This hidden and mysterious place would be nothing more than a gateway to the underground kingdom of Queen Sibyl. Ancient sources report that at that point there was the accessible entrance to an underground cavity identified for centuries as the cave of the Apennines Sibyl. Currently the entrance, being blocked by a landslide, it is not possible to enter.

Despite this, the place is ideal for hiking, trekking or simple walks in the open area. You can only get there on foot.

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