The Sea at Grottammare

The sea generates a feelings of well-being: that’s why

The sea generates a feelings

It has always been known that the sea is good for mental health so it is certainly not a secret. In fact, various scientific studies have shown that the  feeling of well-being  that is generated when  you go to the beach and are close to the water  is a reality and is also very good for health.

Recently, researchers from the “ BlueHealth ” ecological project showed that the sound of the sea stimulates an area of ​​the brain called the prefrontal cortex which is the area responsible for our emotions and personal reflection.

This study is added to all the others that have had as their purpose the study of the  relationship between mental and physical health and contact with seaAccording to scientists, the sea expands the capacity for personal self-knowledge.

The molecules of the water, absorbed by our body through the negative ions released by the waves, allow us to absorb more oxygen and also regulate the levels of serotonin, or the hormone of happiness.

Furthermore, serotonin is useful for lowering the levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone which is responsible for increasing stress and increasing anxiety.

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